Have a Tentaculous Happy New Year !!
I have been thinking nothing but tentacles.. so my brain started to feel sick and tired.
It got infected by a tentacle virus and escaped from my skull 
So sorry that I have been goofing around to upload this site.
You will see some photos again!!
New T-shirts
We have been creating some T-shirts ( $40 for each + shipping fee $ 14 )
I will give you my handwritten autograph on the T -shirt and a postcard for free (It will also have my autograph on it) if you order them.
If you are interested, please contact us.
T-shirts 3
The final design for the T-shirts, we are going to sell them with 35 Euro ($40 No.6.No.7No.8  )my autograph on them ( so hard to carry them to Europe, may be 10, tops for each ) We could take orders from other countries with shipping fee 14$
Considering about c…ost-effectiveness ,,,these are,,,??? I just have made for manga fans.
Thank you for the advise, Mauro !
ヨーロッパツアー用Tシャツの最終案です、しかし運ぶの重くて10枚ずつぐらいしか持っていけないので手間のわりに全く儲からない・・・ファンの人たちが喜んでくれるから持って行くだけかなーーー(無料で差し上げたりもするし うう・・)
外国からオーダー受けても送料かかるから高価になっちゃうし 誰も買わんか(ネガティブ)。 もっと見る
T-shirts 2
By the way,,,We have added other T-shirts for our items.
If you like, you can buy each of them in San Jose or via me directly from other countries.
It costs $ 40 with my autograph on it ( rip off ? ComeOooon ! )plus shipping fee ( $14 to other countries) From the left …No.9.No.10.No.11)
絶対 日本じゃ売れないねコレ!  
My Apprentice
  Since my apprentice Hector from LA came, we have been around Tokyo.
Now, I am thinking to take him to my home town Osaka.
For new visitors…Please consider to purchase the T-shirts !
Family Trip
When we were in Toront o ( first day of our trip ). …I became a Gunman as soon as I ate a big stake at the restaurant named “Remington” .
Right now I am ready and being vigilant, because..some creepy shit in this town is lurking, watching you !
カナダ トロント初日。
ついた途端 拳銃無宿になってしまった。この街には気味の悪い奴が、時々何処かに潜んでいるから要注意だ。
Tentacle attack
Help ! When I was enjoying other booze, the small tentacle began to attack me !
Thanks SacAnime
We have finished SacAnime.
I got acquainted so many people, thank you so y’all .You guys are great !!
Voice Actor in the US.
Voice actors are so popular (one in the middle of first picture
) I was surprised ! There were so many lines in front of them.
Since we had a bit of time before we were going to the airport, we decided to go to “Old Sacramento”.
It was beautiful town to look around.
空港に行くまで 少し時間があったのでオールド・サクラメントで観光、なんだか西部劇の舞台みたいだった。
Sketches are delayed…I am still working on them 5 hours before going to the airport !
We are going to Sacramento to join SacAnime next week.
If you live near Sacramento Please come to our booth ( A-10)

AX in LA
I am so sorry that I have not been uploading new manga for this site for a while.
Soon, you can read 4 stories and other ones next week.
I am going to be active and become new tentacle after I come back from LA, Oh yes, I will be and I should be definitely !
Please check my Face book out !
In Taiwan
I forgot to upload the pictures in Taiwan  
Big Wow again!
We are going to San Jose today for joining Big Wow.
For these past couple years, I have been there.
This is the best comi-con in the US I like.(no shit, no brownnosing!).
I am so looking forward to see local manga-fans in San Jose !!
( art is Sin Cityish)
もう すでに2・3回参加してますがこのコミコンがまじアメリカで一番好き!
We are going to Taiwan for 5days.
This is my third time to visit there but first time for Fancy Frontier comicon !
I am so excited with this.
The comicon is going to be held from January 31 – February 1.
Booth number S03&S04(31) O25&O26 ( 1)
Please come and talk to me !
(写真は41年ぶりに会った我が師匠 南波健二先生と)
The other day, I met my mentor. It had been 41 years since I met him last time !
Actually, I think, I had something on my mind about him for a long time, that is why I had stayed away from him for a long time.
Now I think it was diminished in a way…..as time went by..my memories of bad things faded.
In Sacramento, I met so many nice people.
We get loaded as usual.
Harvest time
It’s time for the harvest on our veranda, we eat fresh vegetables every single day !
この時期はベランダのプランター収穫まっさかり 毎日おいしい農薬なし野菜食べてます。
Big Wow in July
We enjoyed a lot about Big Wow in San Jose.
So many manga-fans came to my table and we had a nice chit chat.
As usual, We had a small gathering after that,it was so fun !!!
I am sure we will be back next year.
Sicily !
We are totally bingers with these luscious seafood pastas without compunction in Sicily.
The local guide with his car was so considerate, he took us to the best spot for the nice view.
シシリーのうにや海鮮パスタは最高、頼んでいる地元ガイドは英語もできるし車も快適 楽しんでますーー!!
The Comicon in Milan
Before we joined the comicon in Milan, we had met Massimo who has been a friend of mine on FB and his friends Daniele and Marco ( they gave me beer set as souvenir, thank you all)
I think, it’s rare to meet FB-friend in other countries in person. I am so lucky and you should meet, when you had a chance.
And comicon itself in Milan was so great. Owner was kind and so many people came to meet me, thank you manga-fans in Italy. I enjoyed Milan, I sure will be back within a year again.
イタリア・コミコンへ行く前にノヴァラでフェイスブックのお友達マッシモサさん(翻訳家・大学講師 写真右)や彼のお知り合いダニエルさん(漫画家・美術学校講師)とマルコ(脚本家・講師)と会いました。
皆でビールで乾杯後楽しいトーク おみやげに修道士がtうくったというビールまでいただき大感謝!
Tsuna-con in Netherlands
I joined Tsuna-con in Netherlands last Sunday.
Peoole there includind the staff were so kind and good looking (why??)
Eventhough the business was not so great it was worthwile being there.
Meals in Netherlands were outstanding ( tasted like the ones in Belgium..I didn’t know they shared the same taste or not)
Nice B.J.
Today, we went to a well known ice cream shop inFlorence. What a great B.J. I gave!
After the last pic I had noticed that chocolate ice cream was ill mannered and gave me Bukkake things. So I had my suit stained all over
…I cried as chocolate bandid.

I bumped Pinnochio on the street, he is everywhere in Florence.
And then I went to eat Ice cream again.
An Open Air Market
We went to an open air market for organic foods in Santo Spirito today.
This italian laday working for the coffee shop as a cashier was so kind to the tourists like us, thank you!!
Cheese !
Am I a big cheese? No,I’m just cheesy one.
Actually,we went to Pienza and Val d’Orcian in Italy and bought some cheese there.
My family and I love ceese a lot, wanna some? No cheese whiz? Got it!!
Now,we are in Italy( Florence) since New year days.
I am going to join some comicons in Europr and give
classes for the student of art colleges, hopefully I could meet some of you here.
Eating Italy

We can eat almost identical food materials here in Italy.
Every single day, we go shopping to the market buying some vegetables,fish and meat.
The life seems easy in Italy,let’s take it easy!( I know that I could say it,because we are merely tourists here)
India・・curry, people, stray cow and chaos
My family and I went to India.
As you guess..I had a severe diarrhea, medicine
didn’t work ( even the Seirogan- which is supper medicine for that in Japan
I had lost 2 kilos, because I couldn’t eat
anything before I came back from there.
Haha…it was not biggie, I love India in
many way.
インドでは予想通り下痢まくり 胃腸の弱い僕なのでしかたないですね・・しかしインドはいつ行っても楽しめます。市場の人々は活気に満ちていて最高だし本場のカレーは抜群にうまい!
I went to Belgium to join the comicon
called FACT.
Although I have heard about a good
reputation of great beer in Belgium.The truth..the way beyond my imagination!!
It is HEAVEN ! for beer drinkers!
I got loaded with tons of beer every single
day, I really didn’t want go back Japan.
Plus, meals were so nice, do you believe
that? I am Osaka man, I am so fussy about the food.
I felt completely surrendered the meals in
Belgium. What kind of people are they?
毎晩飲んだくれてました しかも食事も絶品、最高です。
Comicon/FACT in Belgium
Some of my manga-fans came to our table to
say ” Hi ” to me.
Thank you guys who came to see me.
The staffs were so considerate, they often
visited our table and asked us whether or not we needed the drinks ( meals were
free about lunch and dinner) amazing !!

As usual, We had a small gathering.
Nice couple came to drink together with us.
Thanks !
I met Anthony Bourdain from CNN TV Show in Tokyo

I met him in Tokyo. He is an American chef, author, and television
personality like
No Reservations ( CNN TV show..I guess)
Bourdain : No Reservations : Travel Channel
TV staffs took a shooting while we had a Japanese meal in a downtown area,
it gonna be aired this fall. (Ii got loaded and of course my English was
wrecked as you know already)
It’s been a month since I came back from LA
joining AnimeExpo.
In LA, I met wonderful people from deferent
region with various career including local ones. We had small gathering with
them ,had a chit chat with beer.
Wow this is the life !
I also had a panel in Animecon for
manga-fans without interpreter. Even though my English is quite broken, I
believed they got a big kick out of that, Thank you people in LA. and thank you
people in LA
AnimeExpo 2
Actually. so many people were visiting my booth, including beautiful ladies..they said they are big fans of my works ,
thank you!!
AnimeExpo in L.A

We are going to L.A to join AnimeExpo at Los
Angeles Convention Center( July 4th~7th).
Our booth is # 1341, the title is Toshio
Maeda Urotsukidoji La Blue Girl.
I am also going to have Panel discussion at
LP 1 Petree hall
( 18+ ID check) from 8:00 PM~9:00PM July 4.
I really don’t know what type of talk I should give,
play it by ear?
And I am going to have signing session from
PM 5:00~ PM 6:00 July 4-5.
I am thinking to have small gathering for my
anime and manga-fan right after AnimExpo
( not each nights).
( just beer and meals or light snack//might
be Dutch treat// supposed to be a small group)
Big Wow !
I was in San Jose to join BIG WOW again !
I met nice people there including some professionals.”
Neal” again!!!
His name-Neal Adams was just as same as “God”
among us ( young-wanna-be-pro type of amateurs)
I had never dreamt of seeing him in person
in my life. But TWICE, I met him, at Philadelphia last year and San Jose this
I think I am the luckiest man in the world !
Bib Wow 2
Like Every year, you can meet fantastic
people in comi-con.
Enjoy that!
相変わらずのコスプレ揃い 楽しかったです!
Big Wow 3
I was tied up with sketching during Big
Wow… But, last day, We had small get-together with local manga fans. it was awesome!!
Before I joined MCM London Expo I took part in the movie shooting titled “Spiderlings”as a cameo part. (Wow, I got guarantee///I felt like a movie star!! must have been a ham actor”)
Gabriella is a producer of that movie and having a nice family as her movie staff member.
イギリスの漫画大会へ参加する前に映画の撮影に参加ししましたよーーー。 セリフも少しだけどあったしギャラまでいただいたので気分は映画スター(大根役者か)プロデューサーのガブリエラとそのスタッフ(家族)は親切でとてもかんじが良かった、ありがとう!!
We had been in NY City to join NYCC.
It was so huge!! A lot of people were there for taking a look at the Game booth, Comics and Manga.
I saw tons of cos-play people in there. Some of them were so funny, cute and fantastic.
A man with tentacle tattoo came to our table and showed his masterpiece, thank you!
コスプレの人達は本当にうじゃうじゃいました。西洋の方々はパフォーマンスするのが大好きでんな・・・触手を腕に墨入れしている男性が僕のところに来てくれました サンキュー!!

I am fixing to have a table as a special guest at NYCC (New York Comic Con) and now, I am doing some uncensored sketches for manga fans there ( I made this blur, because of the censorship in Japan) I am going to sell this kind in NYCC.
I have made some posters based on Urotsukidoji for London Comicon.
My manga in French
I met someone who was raised in Paris and now lives in Japan.
With his help, we have a chance to publish my works in French again.
Previous publisher went bankrupt ( because of my works lol) so I really need to have my books in French.
在仏38年、現在日本の雑誌社で仕事をしている方と知り合いました。その方の助力でぼくの漫画を再び (以前の会社は倒産・・とほほ)フランス語で出版できそうです、捕らぬ狸かなーーー!!
People in Paris
We tried to go this bar (designed for manga-fan in Paris) first but it was full.
We changed the bar….horrible bar with hideous waitress. She took the order, charge.. everything so wrongfully!
People in the next photo are the ones we went out on the town together.
Japan Expo
We are back from Paris.
There were so many people ( I took this photo very early morning)in the daytime.
Thank you all manga-fans who came to my booth.!!
Neal Neal Neal !!

Finally I met Near Adams in Philly.
He had changed my manga-life when I encountered hid works such as the Dead Man , Bat Man, X-men etc.. I was teenage boy as apprentice for my mentor in Tokyo. He became my soul mentor since then.
We talked about his works, his inking techniques and why he had stopped inking. We could share the particular things as professional
ボクの中では神的存在だったニールアダムスとフィラディルフィアで会った。サイン会途中だったにも関わらず10分も話し込んだ、なぜかれは初期にペン入れするのをやめたのかとか、、他のインカー(ペン入れだけする漫画家のこと)の話などプロ視点から見たアメリカンコミックスの話に言及した。あーーー会話ツールとしての英語が出来て良かった、心底そう思いました。 長年想い続けてきた彼への憧憬が見事に花咲きました・・・まじ嬉し涙!
People in Puerto Rico

You should go to Puerto Rico ! You will face their smile, intelligence, their dance and incredible coffee!!
We have met a lot of people ( some are in cosplay,some are ordinary) in US. and Mexico.
They are so nice and considerate ..and funny!!
Message from Toshio Maeda 2

Seems like some people obviously hate this Video…sorry !
People have a particular image about me as a Tentacle Master, like it or not, I m stuck with that and I should get along with it.
Route 66
We dropped in at the palace where the Route 66 began on our way to Grand Canyon.Japanese young tourists didn’t’ know [ Route 66] what??
The Bus guide and I were talking about Steinbeck and the Grapes of Wrath etc…Japanese young tourist didn’t know those things neither…What the f○ck!!
グランドキャニオンに向かう途中、ルート66発祥の地と言われる床屋さんに立ち寄りました。日本人の若い旅行者はルート66て何?ってか・・世代の差ね。バスガイドとスタインベックや「怒りの葡萄」の話をしていたら若い旅行者カップルが「何ですか それ?」って・・そりゃ世代の差の問題かなぁ・・。
In San Jose
Before we went to the party, we just dropped by a coffee shop and ordered sandwich…that was so thicker than I expected, I couldn’t eat it alone.
They are so cute
Now cos-play is so prevailing all over the world. What amazed me is tha… they just put regular Japanese high-school girls uniform on with stuffed animal like kitty chan, amazing. I guess it one of influence of Japan anime or culture.
コスプレはもう世界中で見られるけど 中にはただ日本の女子高生がキティちゃんのぬいぐるみを持ってる萌え系の子達だいたりして・・日本アニメというか日本文化の浸透度はすごいね。
Now we are back
Hi Taniguchi, Steve and Michel, we are back from manga tour.
We went to San Jose, Puerto Rico, Philly to join comicon and met so many nice guys…they really wowed me!
I met Bernie Wrightson and Alex Nino in San Jose.Wow. (It was Big Wow-cimicon though)I was reading their works and so fascinated with them when I was around 17…I was so honored to meet them in person.
なんとサンノゼではアメリカ漫画界の巨匠バーニーライトソンとアレックスニーニョにあいました。ぼくが十代から愛読してますよと言ったら喜んでくれました。バーニーには持参した彼の著書にサインしてもらった(ミーハーか) まじうれしかったーー
My friend Keiga

He got that award. We have been keeping in touch for more than 30 years. Wow!
My picture

Finally…I have shown my true tentacle (out of my nose).
I sent this to Japan Expo in France as a picture of mine.
I really hope that they don’t think this is inept as a picture of the official guest for them.
気付いたら鼻から触手が出てくるようになってしまいました・・この写真をフランスのジャパンエクスポ ゲスト作家紹介写真用として送ったんですが、果たして採用してくれるでしょうか?無理かも。
Your Photo
I did this for my friend Brent Millis ( Made in DNA) http://amzn.to/madeindna
Photo above is original…I gave the arrangement with my taste.
And it has good credit among people just like my photo (top).
If you are my manga-fan and you really like to have that kind of emblazoned photo for the Face book or the Twitter, what ever …ask me to inquiry@urotsukidoji.jp ( It costs some)
友人の写真をこのように加工しました(上部の写真がオリジナルです)。最近はFace book とかTwitterに使用する写真の需要が多いようです。もしあなたがこのテイストをお気に入りで ご自分の写真の加工をお望みなら inquiry@urotsukidoji.jp へお気軽におたずねください。(有料 要相談)
Kuniyoshi the artist
Hey! No one was there in Machida Art Museum where you could see the genius Artist kuniyoshi as their exhibitions there.
My first encounter with his works was at age 17 、right after I came to Tokyo.His creepy art style struck me so much.
Kunihoshi and my works

You may not find out the affinity with my works and Kuniyoshi.
But I think, deep inside of my sense as an artist…I am influenced by those artists with old engravings.
Good Samaritan or Swindler? 2
![GHANA_BAR_ASSOCIATION GBA_BARRISTER_JOHN EDWARD[1]](http://www.urotsukidoji.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/GHANA_BAR_ASSOCIATION-GBA_BARRISTER_JOHN-EDWARD1-300x225.jpg)  
Attn; Mr. Toshio Maeda.
I am Barrister John Edwards from Republic of Ghana, also known as Gold Coast here in West Africa. I am sending you these two documents as regards our discussion yesterday on Skype. Sir, I have really been looking for this same name…… MAEDA for almost two years now, before I said I should try Skype. Like I told you in our conversation, the total amount deposited in the consignment box with the Private Security is worth $28 Million United States Dollars, and some other family treasure. My client, Late. Helbert Nii Maeda was a very successful Chinese- African Business man who come to my country Republic of Ghana to do Gold and Cocoa, until his his death, he was one of the biggest exporter of Gold from Ghana. Late Mr. Helbert died in an Auto-Crash with his wife and three Kids in Dubai, since April, 2009.
Sir, please see the Attached documents in this mail, and reply to me, so that we can make plans on how to fet the funds out of the Private Security Company in your name before they get to confiscate the funds to themselves.
Sir, I await your response to my email, so that we can start the process as soon as possible. I will handle all legal documents for you as regards the release of the funds in your name, then after get a good and reliable Diplomat to make the delivery of the box to you in your country, Japan, and then after we can meet to share on a good and agreeable percentage.
Thanks for your Understanding, and Co-operations
どうもボクを遺産の継承者にしてやるとか何とかで・・おいおい 俺俺詐欺より下手じゃんかーー でも久しぶりに笑えた。
Kamakura The Place for temples and Dates
My family ( wife, her sister, her mother) and I went to Kamakura. My wife took a picture for us. Sorry I didn’t for you.
There are so many temples and Buddha things around there.
When I was young I just used to be there for a date…on our way back, you now the thing we got some funny business. lol
A short story in my life 2

In fact ,as manga artists, we can lie ,we can crack any type of joke, including off-color jokes, politically incorrect jokes even racial slurs. Our tongues are not sugar coated. We get paid for that. We are liars.
What other profession can say that? Okay, politicians and lawyers. But they have to wear suits. whereas we manga artist can wear whatever we want.
We could go to work in a gigantic Godzilla costume, and our staff wouldn’t question it. People cut us a large amount of slack.
About 15years ago, I got an Idea for a good prank. One day at my office I put on a pair of panties with cheep pinkish polka dots on my head. Because my editor was coming for a meeting and I really wanted him to be surprised.
However, as soon as he barged into my office , he began to bubble telling me :” Sensei, I think the way we see that girl gets molested is…blah blah blah…” and all the sudden He’d left. He’d gone!! I was left alone with the panties on. Adios, ta-ta !
He didn’t mention anything about it ,not a word. It was obvious like a shit on your nose that I had had a pair of flashy panties on my head in front of him. He must’ve taken it granted. He didn’t even take a peek at it . Why? Why?
Was I considered just a crappy transvestite with unusual preference? A psycho? Or did he think I was some pathetic pervert? Thanks, douche bag !
I’m not someone who puts panties on his head in the office all the time, maybe, just once in a while.
A short story in my life

One of good things about being a manga artist is that you can play God and manipulate the fate of all the characters in the story. Their destinies are entirely in your hands.
Put simply, you are the Master of that small universe.
One day, I got up on the wrong side of the bed. I wasn’t in the mood for work and thought to myself, “I really hate my job!” Once your hobby becomes your career, you tend to lose your enthusiasm for it. Even if you thought it was your true calling in life.
However, I knew I had to come up with a new story for the month, and the editor-in-chief who kept an eye on me had been busting my butt. Of course, I realize that meeting deadlines is part of my job but, due to my nature as a procrastinator, I already had the deadline delayed once already. Another delay wouldn’t be acceptable.
All the editors knew my tricks and shady excuses. So this time, I had to play hardball otherwise they would never believe me. I really don’t know how many relatives or acquaintances I’ve “killed” over the years thanks to my silly excuses but the bodies just keep on piling up.
This time I was like, “I’m in a state of shock right now, my uncle in Osaka has passed away and I must attend his funeral ( sniffling my nose) yeah, yeah I know… You can bet I’ll be straight back to finish my work once the funeral is over. Sure, I’ll come back A.S.A.P and work on it first thing in the morning!
Seems like, I am a typical type of pathological liar. But it’s not my fault. We’re all like that. Desperate manga artists will go to ridiculous lengths to get around a dead line.
Now, back to the day I was talking about… I decided to vent my frustrations on a particular character in my manga story to let off some steam.
Okay, who’s gonna be my victim today..? Yes, this insufferable woman! She’s so prudish and arrogant, who else could be more deserving? What kind of ordeal can I put her through, I wonder..?
I started creating the sequence of events in my head. Let me see… that women had noticed that she had a hemorrhoid, big one, big, enormous mega boil around her ass caused by horrible constipation. “Nice !! “ Her butthole had swollen to hideous proportions – much like her head.
Well, it’s a nice start, yeah, not bad.
She was having a terrible morning. she had got wasted on her own last night after drinking too much and trying to forget about her boyfriend dumping her. He insisted it was him, not her, but she refused to believe what he was telling her.
She felt miserable and nauseous. She dashed into the bathroom immediately and threw up all she had in her stomach. Unfortunately her pet John, a pit-bull puppy, was there. He was always in the toilet because of his name “John.” ( Pardon the pun )
John had a nervous disposition and, as such, was scared half to death upon hearing the guttural sounds of his owner spewing down the toilet. Ugehhh….it made him panic uncontrollably. He started barking like mad before taking a leak, scratching her, then finally defecating on her face.
Her face now became like a worn ragged duster…covered in John’s excrement. She couldn’t get to work on time looking like that…she decided to call in sick.
Obviously it was a lie… but she didn’t care any more. She had nothing to lose. She was beginning to caress John, her pit-bull puppy, with his poop all over him and her face as she sat there feeling spaced out and fuzzy headed in the bathroom.
So…the title of this month’s manga will be; “ Bull shit John’s Diary.”
Mother in law
My mother in law is quite young. Although she is 85 years old, she looks young and active.
This is her vegetable curving, the white flower is made by horse radish( not the white flower on the right picture of two) ..Wow !
The other day, we met Antonio (from Mexico) and Tania (from Chili).
He explained the details of the places where we are planning to go. Thank you Antonio !
この前、タニアさん(チリ女性)とアントニオさん(メキシカン)に会ってきました。アントニオから色々メキシコの観光地を教えてもらいラッキーでした。サンキュー !
Tarzan in the Temple
I went to the temple and prayed for the blessedness. you could see the rest in the Tentacle Members Club…Please come over!
My family and I went to the traditional Japanese restaurant ( Sobaya)
And we enjoyed “Tendon” a bowl of rice topped with deep‐fried prawn( in this case). YUMMY
The other day, I went to Shibuya. Actually I don’t like big City like Shibuya, Shinjuku
and Ginza in Tokyo, being on a busy street makes me freaked out.Am I agoraphobick?

A Chinese girl was visiting us as usual …she is definetly a happy person, always cracking jokes in Japanese. She has done very well with her Japanese.

We are preparing for Setsubun ( Bean-Throwing Festival) which means The day before the beginning of Spring. People eat the same number of beans as their age to wish for good health and saying Devils Out! Good Luck In!
節分の用意に豆と鬼の面を買ってきました・・・誰が鬼になるのか、ハイ ご想像のとおりです。
Setsubun 2

El 3 de febrero se celebra en japon la vispera del Inicio de la
primavera que en japones de diria “setsubun” . Hay la costumbre
de lanzarle frejoles al demonio para que se vayan los malos
espiritus y venga la buena suerte y la felicidad al hogar . Aqui
estoy con un amigo peruano que hizo el papel de demonio y yo le
estoy lanzando frejoles.
English man

The other day, Brendan who is living in Shinyokohama (Japan), my wife and I drunk together.. He is really a nice bloke from Britain.
These are covers of my books..seem like long lost friends to me.
Covers 2
The publisher brought out these books went bankrupt, so I couldn’t get money from them.. Up you!!

2012年のプエルトリコ漫画大会PRCC (5月26日27日)の夜は漫画ファンの方々と一緒にお酒を飲んだりお話したいと思っています。プエルトリコ在住の漫画ファンは是非PRCCの公式ぺージをチェックしておいて下さい。1月中にはお知らせが出ると思います。
La noche de la convencion de manga en Puerto Rico 2012 (5/26 y 5/27) quisiera salir a tomar con los fans del manga.Los fans de manga que residen en Puerto Rico tengan la amabilidad de revisar la pagina oficial de PRCC.
Creo que saldra el aviso en el mes de enero.
Toshio Maeda
正直言ってこういう漫画大会が無ければ一生プエルトリコに行く機会は無いと思う。ボクの中でプエルトリコと言えばChichi Rodriguez Jennifer Lopez Ricky Martin って感じかなーー。今回で初めて世界地図の中でプエルトリコがどこにあるか知りました(無知でごめんなさい)スペイン語と英語の両方話せるなんてすごいね、食事はスパイシーっぽいけどボクの好物だよ(ボクの胃はその案を却下してるけど)
Diciendolo sinceramente , si no se realizase esta convencion de manga , creo , que no tendria la oportunidad de ir a Puerto Rico.Lo que conozco de Puerto Rico es a los famosos Chichi Rofdriguez , Jennifer Lopez y Ricky Martin . Esta vez por primera vez pude saber donde se ubica Puerto Rico en el mapa mundial.(disculpenme por desconocer).
Me sorprende que en Puerto Rico puedan hablar español e ingles . Y creo que la comida de alla es un poco picante pero es mi comida preferida. (aunque mi estomago diga lo contrario).
Estoy esperando mucho encontrarme con todos en Puerto Rico.
I am eating the lunch with the pouty face・・・don’t know why.
In a Mall
A man I saw was drinking alone alternately sake , beer and something //wow,a real boozer!!

My family and I went to the grave and prayed.I can enjoy my life while it lasts.
New year days
Relatives has come to our place and ate sushi (my favorite) and drunk sake… This is the life! (woman my back is my wife)
This is the cover art for anime-book.
I found out this from the books piled up in the corner of my room.
部屋の隅っこに積んであったアニメブック なつかしーーー
you can read more on the pages of MENBERSHIP (Illustration)!
You can enjoy other illustlations.
T shirts

Now, we take orders of full-colored T-shirts. Right 2 photos (front and back) are Type A (order No,002) $89:90.
It comes with the printed art of that T-shirt and my autograph on it ( it’s my hand writing, not printed )
Please ask anything to inquiry@urotsukidoji.jp I’m waiting for your orders !!
It has Chinese character 「触手」(which is meaning “Tentacles”) on their sleeves.
Left (2 Photos) is Type B (order No,003) $89:90.
いよいよ全面フルカラーTシャツの予約受付が始まりました,Tシャツの元になった絵(プリント)にボクの手書きサインを添えて6900円です。お買い得でっせ ホンマ!!よろしければTシャツにボクのサインも描きますよーーー!
inquiry@urotsukidoji.jp へお気軽におたずねください。
The Pool

Although we had a nice pool I didn’t swim…my wife and her sister did.
I like just sitting, drinking beer and watching girls in skimpy bikini on the pool side (definitely not this time )

This is other racing photo you looked it before…You can take a look at my face this time.
Art Book

Now I am doing for the Art book
#1 rough sketch ( The editor in chief said it was too adult)
#2 Redraw
#3 Finish work ( penciling)
#4 Study for character
All in all…you have to adjust and compromise to some degree for kids art books
Am I selling out ? Am I prostituting…?
絵本用のスケッチです ラフデッサンはあまりに大人っぽくて編集さんが却下・・最後の鉛筆カットとはかなり違いますねーー
Shops for Dried Fish

This is one of those shops selling dried fish or dumplings made by fish.
En la region de Hakone , se encuentran bastantes tiendas que venden pescado seco . Y los visitantes lo compran como regalo para sus familiares y amigos.

Dumplings as souvenir were rapped by beautiful paper…must be expensive!!
薩摩揚げとかがきれいに包装されてるけど 思いっきり値段が張りそー!!
This is the Ryokan

This is the old Japanese style Inn ( Ryokan) we were staying for two days. In the day time, they serve sea food meals to visitors.
I wish I was bringing other “sea food” for the night .
My Gigantic Tentacle・・・

It is lurking inside of the towel. When it’s revealed, you gonna be scared the shit out of that ( because of limp noodle ? )
ボクの巨大触手がタオルの内側に潜んでいる と思ったら・・・その正体はフニャ珍だったって?